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Innovative , High Quality
Surgical Products
01225 766632

BioIntegral Surgical manufactures devices using the No-React® treatment. No-React® is a proprietary detoxification of glutaraldehyde-treated tissue. 12 years of clinical experience with No-React® devices shows reduced toxicity, enhanced biocompatibilty, lower rates of infection, adhesion, calcification, and the promotion of endothelial lining.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris rutrum enim vitae mauris. Proin mattis eleifend pede. Sed pretium ante sit amet elit. Quisque pede tellus, dictum eget, dapibus ac, sodales dictum, lectus. Pellentesque mi dui, molestie sit amet, adipiscing id, iaculis quis, arcu. Nulla tellus sem, viverra eu, ultricies ac, mattis et, velit. Maecenas quis magna. Ut viverra nisl eu ipsum. Maecenas rhoncus.

Biological Cardiac Devices


High quality Cardiac and Vascular instruments from Delacroix-Chevalier, manufactured by hand to the highest standards of precision and using the finest steel alloys or titanium construction



Aliquam dapibus ipsum vitae sem. Ut eget mauris ac nunc luctus ornare. Phasellus enim augue, rutrum tempus, blandit in, vehicula eu, neque. Sed consequat nunc. Proin metus. Duis at mi non tellus malesuada tincidunt. Cras in neque. Sed lacinia, felis ut sodales pretium, justo sapien hendrerit est, et convallis nisi quam sit amet erat. Suspendisse consequat nibh a mauris. Curabitur libero ligula, faucibus at, mollis ornare.

Surgical Instruments



LeGoo is a water-soluble, low-viscosity gel. It forms a gel plug at body temperature and conforms to any vascular geometry. It is dissolved by applying ice to the vessel.

LeGoo Vessel Occlusion Gel


HaemoCer is an Absorbable Polysaccharide Haemostat (APH) that is applied in powder form and very rapidly dehydrates blood to accelerate the clotting process and then forms a thick gel matrix to seal the tissue.

HaemoCer Polysaccharide Haemostat


We also have a Tumescent Infiltration Pump, Vein Hooks, Vein Strippers and Vein Packs for Vascular Surgery . Please follow the link to see more.

Vascular Products

Seprafilm® is proven to reduce the incidence, extent, and severity of adhesions in patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic laparotomy



Sutures from Peters Surgical, specifically designed for all types of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery offering unique materials, very high quality needles and outstanding performance



Rooke Boot

A triple layer insulating lightweight boot designed to provide optimal insulation and protection to the lower extremities of patients. It is ideal for patients being treated for ischemia, neuropathy or other related conditions. It is also excellent for preventing heel pressure ulcers

Rooke Boot

Atrium Mesh

Prolite , Prolite Ultra and C-QUR Meshes offer a complete range of options for hernia repair.




Atrium Mesh

Atrium Mesh
One Headlit

ONE™ HEADLIT is a battery-powered , LED surgeon's headlight that provides a "better than xenon" quality of light . It is light, comfortable and produces a pure bright light with no degradation of intensity.

Cableless Surgical Headlight

One Headlit